Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Space race had a significant impact on United States' Hisotry Term Paper

Space race had a significant impact on United States' Hisotry - Term Paper Example About four months later, the US navy launched a rocket to compete with the Soviet’s initial rockets. The first US rocket was inferior compared to the Soviet’s as it crumbled and exploded into fire. The US felt humiliated and blamed the military and the all the specialists behind the rocket launch. President Dwight later approved the National Aeronautics and Space Administration despite the country having little knowledge in space program. He reasoned that the US will one day require the space technology since the Soviet already had it; in other words, he did not want the US to remain inferior (Thompson 89). Currently, one can comfortably say that the US is the super power due its advanced space program among other factors. This discourse tends to explain how space race has affected the US history. Space technology has improved the security of Americans in some complex ways. Americans have their rockets in every orbit of the earth attached to the satellite. This means that they can sense any strange and harmful substance on space then send the signals to the satellite so that responsible personnel can take the next step to ensure the safety of its citizens. Although the country recently faced some attacks like the 9/11, none of them was linked to space attack. This implies that the space program is in work. The US was not scared of the Soviets until the former first set a space station despite the fact that the Soviets were more steps ahead. The meeting between the president and NASA among other professionals changed everything. The bottom line is that the US is respected and feared by other developed nations because of its sophisticated and advanced space program. President J.F Kennedy will forever be remembered for the first attempt to initiate a successful trip to the moon (Turner 91). It removed the country from the inferiority wagon as the president compared the scenario with that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Political conditions of the Cold War Era Essay Example for Free

Political conditions of the Cold War Era Essay The Cold War is increasingly treated as a historical period that customarily begins in 1947, when the Truman Doctrine sought to contain communism and the expansion of Soviet influence, and ends with the decline and fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc in the late 1980s. My thoughts are that this event occurred after war world II between the Soviet Union and the United States of America due to a conflict about political, ideological, military, and economic values because the United States was capitalist when the Soviet Union was communist. During this time there was a fair that they were going to destroy each other with the arsenals of gigantic artillery. Germany was separated into 4 sections controlled by Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States and the Cold war started because there was a disagreement on unifying Germany. There were events that happened during the cold war the first was the foreign aid policies, which were able to divide the superpowers after that treaty organizations and alliances started forming up again one of these alliances was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as well as the Warsaw pact. The superpower were always involved in a conflict the mayor political crisis was that Soviet blockade on Western Berlin they block off supply routes to Western Berlin so the people were dying because they did not have how to cover the firs needs. Another conflict was the Cuban missile crisis it was the closest the world ever came to all-out nuclear war. Following the first sightings of the missiles being placed by Soviets, additional Russian vessels were seen heading towards Cuba carrying more missile components. Thus began what became known as â€Å"the 13 days,† a period of extremely high tension in which the Kennedy administration tried to find a way to get the missiles out of Cuba without starting World War III. Kennedy and his advisers had to walk a very tight line in order to achieve that end. In the end, Kennedy followed the path of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower as a leader determined to prevent the further spread of Communism in the world by all reasonable means. He had campaigned on the issue of a missile gap  between United States and the Soviet Union, and even his plan to place a man on the moon in the decade of the 1960s was, to a large extent, aimed at defeating the Russians in space. The military implications were obvious. It was during Kennedys administration that the most dangerous point in the Cold War was reached: the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. Presidents and Prime Ministers on either side came and went but the war never ended. Every President of the United States took the war personally as a Commander in Battle and it became a competition of who would do better. Finally, it was the Republican George W. Bush who called the final shots and that too because Mikhael Gorbachev backed down. Explain the specific threats to American citizens One threat that is becoming more severe in the post-Cold War world is the proliferation of chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile technology. The probability of a retaliatory strike on the U.S. homeland by rogue states or terrorist groups using such weapons, however, can be reduced by ending unneeded and provocative U.S. military intervention abroad. Politicians of both parties often tapped into that fear and ran for office based on how strong they would be against communists. Fighting communism always involved the threat of nuclear war since both the U.S. and Soviet Union had nuclear weapons trained on each other. President Dwight Eisenhowers military plan relied on nuclear stockpiles rather than land forces. He hoped the threat of nuclear destruction would restrain the Soviets. Describe the preparations you would make to protect your family Those are my thoughts , it is important to have things that are going to be necessaries to survive in this situation as water medical and food the family can survive if they go to the close shelter they usually have a wonderful staff to help those who need them. It s important to keep the medication close and accessible. Conclude with one question for further study on the Cold War era What effect did the Cold War have on the political, economic, social, and  military conditions of the world’s nations? Conclusion Cold War as a period which began with the rivalities of the superpowers The effort to contain communism and capitalism (and covertly subvert the other), however, entailed a larger containment or channeling of the flow of possible change in various areas of political, social, and cultural life within its political imagination. The Cold War rivalry sustained an equilibrium which tended to freeze not only the power relations between hegemonic and client states but also the political contours of nation-states in the two camps backed by economic inducements, military power, and nuclear threat.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Use of Magical Realism in Chronicle of a Death Foretold Essay examples

Use of Magical Realism in Gabriel-Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold   Magical realism is clearly present throughout Gabriel-Garcia Marquez's novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold.   Magical realism is the juxtaposition of realism with fantastic, mythic, and magical elements. A secondary trait was the characteristic attitude of narrators toward the subject matter: they frequently appeared to accept events contrary to the usual operating laws of the universe as natural, even unremarkable. Though the tellers of astonishing tales, they themselves expressed little or no surprise.   Obviously the most concise definition of magical realism is that it is the combination of magical and real elements. The magical elements that exist in works of magical realism are; superstitions, exaggerations, dreams that come true, universal humor and the coincidence of bizarre events. All of these Elements are present within Chronicle of a Death Foretold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Placida Linero, Santiago's mother is one example of superstition with is the book.   "She had a well earned reputation as an accurate interpreter of other people's dream, provided they were told to her before eating, but she hadn't notice any ominous augury in those two dream of her son's" (1-2) Santiago's character also represents this element of magical realism. The statement   " Nor did Santiago Nasar recognize the omen" not only reveals his superstition but also the common faith put in superstition. There must have been some sign of the, foreshadowing or coming of his death that he could have seen. It is funny how these omens are more readily accessible after it is too late. Marquez uses exaggeration in Chronicle of a Death Foretold more than any other element... ...on, which General Petronio San Roman was a hero of. The dialogue throughout the book stays believable, even though the reports were unordinary the characters responded as if they were ordinary. Such as the narrator saying that he believed that Pedro was awake for months. It is this reality-based core with real people and places, a recognizable setting and believable conversation that enables Marquez to twist in the magical details giving this novel the genre of magical realism. "What came to dominate the story and to leave a lasting impression was the view of man as a mystery surrounded by realistic data. A poetic divination or denial of reality. Something that for lack of a better word could be called magical realism."   -Uslar Pietri Works Cited: Gabriel Garcia Collected Novellas: Chronicle of A Death Foretold. New York[:] Harper Collins Publishers, 1990.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Appendix E Strategies for Gathering and Evaluating Sources

Associate Level Material Appendix E Strategies for Gathering and Evaluating Sources |Source |What makes the source credible or what does not make it |Explain in at least two to four sentences | | |credible? Consider the following when addressing the |what information you can gather from this | | |source: |source? | | | | | |What is the author’s affiliation to any organization | | | |related to the subject of the article? Does he or she have| | | |an ulterior motive? | | | | | | |What is the author’s experience with the subject, | | | |including academic or professional credentials related to | | | |the subject of the source article?Does she or he have | | | |what it takes to understand the complexities of the | | | |subject? | | | | | | |Does this article report on information that the author | | | |experienced personally, or is it a summary or retelling of| | | |information from other sources? How close is the author to| | | |the actual information? | | | | | | |I s the information current? When was the information | | | |published or last updated? Might there be resources with | | | |more current information? | | | | | | |In general, does the information in the source article | | | |match the information found in other sources? Or is the | | | |information different or unique?Can this information be | | | |confirmed by more sources than just this one? | | | | | | | |Does the source make any claims without having evidence to| | | |support them? | | |Source name |I do believe this is a credible source.The author Erich |This article explores the significance of | | |Goode has provided an ample amount of evidence to support |the self-control, and the relationship | |Authors: Goode, Erich |his claim. One source of evidence is through the Youth |between drug use, crime and the effect on | | |Behavior Risk Surveillance study, a nationally |our society. It states that individuals who| |Source: DRUG abuse & crime. Out of|representative survey. The author has also used sources, |use drugs are more likely to commit crimes. | |Control: Assessing theGeneral |such as Jo Anne Grunbaum from the Centers for Disease |People who engage in criminal or delinquent| |Theory of Crime; 2008, p185-199, |Control and Prevention for |behavior are statistically more likely to | |15p |assisting in obtaining the raw data for this study. This |use drugs, drink alcohol, and smoke | | |source provides Gottfredson and Hirschi’s views on this |cigarette. More than individuals who do not| | |matter, who are criminologists and drug use specialists. engage in criminal or delinquent behavior. | | |So the information provided by this source is confirmed by|The more frequently individuals use drugs | | |specialist and experts in the field. The content is up to |for recreational purposes, the | | |date, for example, the collection of position papers and |greater the likelihood that they engage in | | |their references in Toward a Drugs and Crime Researc h |criminal behavior. | |Agenda for the 21st Century. | | |Source name |I do believe this source is credible with up to date | | | |information. The author has the proper credentials related|This article examines the process of | |Authors: |to this subject through the Boise State University, Boise,|becoming addicted to drugs via epigenetic | |Walsh, Anthony |ID, USA. Also the source comes from an academic journal. processes. Frequent drug usage leads to an | |Johnson, Hailey |The information provided by the author is not claims, but |allosteric (the changing of a physiological| |Bolen, Jonathan D. |is the actual process the brain goes through when a person|system by the calibration its set points) | | |uses drugs. |brain changes in its pleasure centers. This| |Source: Journal of Contemporary | |is the evidence needed to explain why | |Criminal Justice; Aug2012, Vol. 8| |people addicted to drugs, engage in | |Issue 3, p314-328, 15p | |criminal behavior. | | | | | |Source name |I have found this source to be credible. Both authors have| | | |the proper credentials related to this topic.Julie M. |This article examines whether drug use and | |Authors: |Ford, Ph. D. , is an Assistant Professor in the Department |the presence of visible drug sales lead to | |Ford, Julie |of Sociology at SUNY-Brockport. Her research includes |elevated levels of three types of crime: | |Beveridge, Andrew |urban and disadvantaged communities |assault; burglary and theft. For crime | | |and substance use. Andrew A. Beveridge, Ph. D. is a |victimization rates by neighborhood, it is | |Source: Neighborhood Crime |Professor in the Department of Sociology at Queens College|found that for burglary, neighborhood | |Victimization, Drug Use and Drug |and the Graduate Center of CUNY. His research includes |disadvantage, the presence of visible drug | |Sales. Conference Papers/American |historical population change and the analysis of |sales and drug use are related to | |Sociological Associa tion; 2006 |neighborhoods and other geographic factors. This paper |victimization.For assault, only | |Annual Meeting, Montreal, p1, 37p |provides evidence through data from the Fighting Back |neighborhood disadvantage and visible drug | | |evaluation to examine the empirical relation between drug |sales are statistically significant; and | | |use and the neighborhood-level presence of drug |for theft, only visible drug sales | | |dealing, and burglary, theft and assault rates and |influence the rate of criminal activity. | |victimization. | | |Source name |I cannot find that this source to be completely credible. | | | |Although the authors do have some credentials through |The purpose of the proposed article is to | |Authors: |University of Delaware, Emeritus. This source has done |improve the understanding of the | |Anderson, Tammy L. research to back their theory, but have yet to provide the|relationship between drug use and violence | |Harrison, Lana |evidence or results in thi s paper. The information is |among youth in the early 21st century. This| |Freeman, Charles |unique and does differ from other sources, but does not |paper takes an unique conceptual approach | | |have the resources to confirm it. by integrating ideas from Agnew’s general | |Source: General Strain Theory and | |strain theory (GST) with Goldstein’s | |the Drugs/Violence Nexus. | |tripartite model to advance scholarship on | |Conference Papers — American | |the relationship between drugs and | |Sociological Association; 2003 | |violence.This article specifically, | |Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, | |explains the types of strain-induced | |p1-29, 29p, 4 Diagrams | |emotional states that are motivated by | | | |drugs leading to violence and crime. | |Source name |I found this article on the web, and was not able to find | | | |the authors name.I do believe it is credible, because the|The consequences of drug use or abuse in | | |article provides a large amount of evidence to confirm the|society take a profound toll on families, | |DRUG USE AND RELATED ADVERSE |facts they have provided. The evidence provided are from a|schools, and other community institutions | |BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES|number of different studies on the adverse social and |and burden the criminal justice, health | | |behavioral consequences of drug use |care, and social welfare systems.Evidence | |National Institute on Drug Abuse |or abuse need to integrate both community and individual |has shown that not only does drug abuse has| | |level factors. The facts provided are also very similar to|detrimental effects on youth lives but also| | |what I have found from other credible sources. The |has adverse ramifications for their | | |research provided is also update throughout the article. transition into adulthood. Such as | | | |marriage, continuity of employment, | | | |criminal activities, parenting behavior. | | | |. | | | | |Source name |I have found thi s source to be credible. All the authors |The psychological factors that contribute | | |have the proper credentials related to this subject. They |to and characterize | |Authors: |have proven they have experience in this field and are |criminality are numerous. They include: | |David Deitch, Ph.D. |able understand and explain the complexities of the |manipulation, | |Igor Koutsenok M. D. Amanda Ruiz, |subject. They have also provided the proper references, |impulsivity, low tolerance for frustration,| |M. D. |which can be affiliated with this field. They have |the propensity and | | |researched areas of the information in the article, but |the need for danger or thrill seeking, poor| |Source: The Relationship Between |have yet to provide the results.I do think it is a |consequential | |Crime and Drugs: What We Have |credible source because of all the other reasons, and they|thinking, poor option generation, poor use | |Learned in Recent Decades |are not throwing out any ridiculous information about the |of leisure time, affiliation in terms of | | |subject. |social identity with the criminal class, | | |easy dissatisfaction or boredom with | | | |conventional activity alienation from | | | |general socialization, identifying with | | | |whole groups of people who have been | | | |socialized into gang behavior. |

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Consumer Securities Trading in United States

The following is an in depth look at the effects the Internet has had on trading securities in the United States. Its purpose is to define the impact of the Internet by determining specific changes in the structure of the trading market as a result of the numerous online brokerages that have surfaced in the past few years. A brief look at traditional brokerages and market characteristics prior to the advent of the Internet provides a foundation with which to measure many of its impacts. The arrival of the online brokerage model has not only introduced an entirely new vehicle with which to trade securities, but it also beginning to effect the way traditional brokerages view their own business models. Specifically, it appears that both the online/discount model and full service model of brokerages will both succeed in the next few years, with the top firms exhibiting characteristics somewhere between the two extremes. New Ameritrade television commercials debuted early this year with a twenty-something-year-old punk extolling the virtues of his new brokerage account to various business men and women. Perhaps the witty E*trade commercial featuring monkeys that first aired during the 2000 Super Bowl was more notable. These commercials are quite a contrast to the traditional brokerage commercials of Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and Fidelity among others. This contrast is for good reason. Online brokerages have uprooted the traditional model of consumer securities trading and have attracted a critical mass of followers. Before brokerage fees were deregulated 1975, eliminating fixed commissions, trading was something only done by the wealthy. Since then, fees have dropped considerably among the full-service firms making it possible for more and more people to manage portfolios. Until 1995 there was still a fundamental restraint for many consumers: access to timely and accurate information at any time from their own computer. With the arrival of online brokerages in 1995 came a slew of options for investors, new and old, to access an abundance of information and research, and to initiate their own trades all at considerably discounted fees. According to Deutsche Banc, as of 2Q00, online brokerage accounts represented approximately 25% of all accounts in the United States. Furthermore, by 2003, online brokerage accounts are estimated to control 50% of the brokerage market. The online model has already attracted nearly 20 million investors, initiating an increase in overall trading volume. An brief examination of the brokerage industry pre-arrival of the Internet and an in depth look at the brokerage industry now illuminates the many differences and possible implications for the future of consumer securities trading in the United States. Traditional brokerages have been operating freely since 1975. The deregulation of brokerage fees at this time allowed new firms to enter the market, marking the first major alteration in the way Wall Street traditionally offered its services. Before 1975, the market consisted solely of â€Å"full service† firms, those firms who offer trading, research, and financial advice through brokers or financial advisors at a considerable fee. After fees were deregulated, â€Å"discount† firms began to appear, offering consumers smaller fees, but at the cost of less research and financial advice. The market slowly split between these two types of business models, but they were fundamentally similar for 20 years: generate revenue by providing consumers the ability to trade and receive financial advice based upon firm research. The concept of having a broker, or financial advisor who acts as an agent for consumers, was the prevailing idea of stock trading in between 1975 and 1995. Many of those who had portfolios would leave its management entirely up to their brokers, others would call periodically for advice, and some would be actively co-managing their portfolios with the broker. The prevailing model for securities trading was still professionally managed, although different levels of management and cost evolved at this time. Wall Street was altered again in 1995, probably more significantly than in 1975, when securities trading and the Internet converged. According to the Securities Industry Association, K. Aufhasuer & Company was the first to execute securities trading online in 1994. However, it was not until 1995 that the first online brokerages debuted their new business model. Momentum mounted quickly, as many investors flocked to the lure of extremely discounted prices and quick trade execution. Without the â€Å"brick and mortar† presence typical of the traditional brokerages and a significantly less extensive network of research and financial advice, online brokerages can offer transactions at fractions of the costs of traditional brokerages, even of the traditional discounters. The first online investors were, and still are, predominantly â€Å"a mix of young, first-time investors and older, more experience ones,† according to a McKinsey & Company study. When online brokerages first surfaced, they introduced an entirely unique channel for delivering securities trading to consumers. No other brokerage firms offered the ability to trade securities over the Internet; it was exclusively reserved for those companies referred to as â€Å"online brokerages. † This has changed however over the past couple of years. Traditional full-service brokerages are beginning to adopt their own online components. The two most frequently cited reasons for the scramble of full service firms to enter the online market were customer pressure, and the fear of asset flight to online brokerages, according to a Deloitte & Touche Survey. The ability to distinguish these early online brokerages from full service firms is no longer a matter of whether or not they offer online services. The distinguishing feature now is between the cost of their services, segregating firms into a classification again of â€Å"discount† or â€Å"full service. In a sense, the online model has redefined â€Å"discount,† moving the discount brokerage to a much further extreme. Indeed, it is true that most of the firms that are classified today simply as â€Å"discount† are founded on an online business model or have quickly adopted online capabilities, but many of the full service firms, as mentioned, are turning to the online channel in hopes of competing with the discounters. Therefore, when an â€Å"online brokerage† is referred to, it implies both the discount firms and the few full service firms with online capabilities. The evolution of the online brokerage market has been explosive in growth, catapulting from just one online brokerage in 1995 to an estimated 170 in 2000, totaling 19. 5 million online accounts (refer to Figure 1 below). The first online brokerages to emerge were predominantly â€Å"deep† discount, followed by mid discount firms, and finally some of the traditional discount incumbents adopted an online strategy and are now classified as mid-tier firms. To illustrate this trend, consider the emergence of 5 of today's top 6 online brokerages: In 1996, two major deep discount firms emerged, Datek and Ameritrade. Over the next two years, two major mid-discount firms appeared, E*trade and DLJdirect. In 1998, Charles Schwab made their presence felt in the online market which was one of the few traditional discount firms before the online model developed. Fidelity quickly followed suit. This upsurge of online brokerages and the trend for some of the traditional brokerages to go online has had some lasting effects on the securities trading market, which will be explored in the next two sections. The impact of online brokerages is manifested in nearly every aspect of the securities trading market today. Trading volume increase is one of the largest impacts, as a result of the ease and availability of trading that online accounts bring to consumers. It is worth examining the numbers to determine if the large increases in trading volume are actually a result of online accounts, or merely pure correlation with a booming bull market. Over the past decade, the volume of shares traded on the NASDAQ stock market has grown at a compound annual rate of 26%, but since the arrival of online brokerages in 1995, it has grown at a rate of 30%. Although this is not an enormous increase, it is certainly quite significant. To look at it in another light, online accounts represented 15% of all brokerage accounts in the US, but more than 37% of the trading volume. Based upon past experience in the stock market, it may seem that this increase in trading volume is an entirely productive result. However, much of the trading volume from online accounts is a result of day trading, which raises concerns with the SEC. Day trading was not possible before online brokerages made it possible to quickly and effectively trade securities multiple times daily. It is a speculative business, more so than the traditional brokerage business. As Deloitte & Touche describes it, â€Å"Customers usually [trade] in and out of several securities positions every day hoping to earn a positive spread on their transactions. † The SEC is responsible for maintaining fair and orderly markets, to protect investors, and to enforce securities laws that were established upon principles that day trading discards. According to a Deloitte & Touche survey, 62% of discount firms said they would offer services to day traders versus 0% at full service firms. Most online brokerages recognize that day traders make up an integral portion of their customer base, and do not wish to sacrifice the relationship. Day trading is one negative result of the advent of online brokerages that will remain a challenge for some time to come. Another notable consequence of online brokerages is the further development of after hours trading. The New York Stock Exchange first expanded its hours to â€Å"off hours† trading in 1991. The NYSE added a modest extension extending the after hours from 4pm to 5:15pm. It is now possible, with an online account to trade at any time. This can be advantageous to many investors in giving them more flexibility regarding time availability and for investors overseas who have holdings in US securities and cannot trade at regularly scheduled hours. After hours trading in 1999 represented 50% of all online transactions. Online brokerages have improved execution time quite dramatically to an average of 20 seconds per trade versus nearly 60 seconds for full service firms. In addition to improved execution time, the reliability and accuracy of online executions at discount firms is generally considered to be far superior to full service firms' online counterparts. The reasons most frequently cited for this are two-fold. First, most discount firms are built upon an online model, it is their core competency, allowing them to devote all of their efforts to perfect the core of their business model. Discount firms rely on trade volume for revenue, not asset accumulation, so it is imperative that their trade execution is the best that it can be. The second reason for superior trade execution at discount firms is that full service firms simply do not devote the same technological resources to their online channel. Full service firms focus primarily on performing cutting edge research, and providing sound financial advice through its network of brokers. The speed and reliability in execution at discount firms has been one of the top attractions of investors, along with largely discounted prices. The online brokerage market has also greatly impacted the availability of brokerage services to those who were previously unreachable. This hinges upon Internet penetration in the US, which is approaching 120 million active adult Internet users, or a penetration rate of 50%. As was mentioned previously, the first investors to move online were mainly those who were brand new to securities trading, or those who were experienced enough to feel confident trading with little or no professional advice. Most of them brought below average asset values online. In fact, in mid-1999, although online accounts represented 15% of all brokerage accounts, they only represented 5% of the total assets. As stated previously, these accounts also accounted 37% of the trading volume. That would indicate that the online brokerages do not focus on producing revenue through asset accumulation, but through trading volume. This has some major implications to be discussed in the next session. The majority of discount firms rely on trading volume to create revenue through their online offerings. This means they depend on accumulating customers who trade frequently in order to collect fees for trades made. Trade volume has been increasing quite dramatically over the past few, as the percentage of online trades increases as a proportion of total. This bodes well for the online brokerages who are accumulating customers, although those players who are at the bottom of the pack will likely fall out soon. The market is remarkably consolidated after just 4 years in existence. In fact, the top ten online brokerages comprise 90% of the online assets and accounts, and the top 4 comprise 86%. Those brokerages who are having a tough time accumulating customers and trade volume even while the online brokerage market is hot, will likely fall out soon. Referring back to Figure 1, it can be seen that the number of online brokerage firms is expected to decrease over the next few years while the number of online accounts increases. The online industry is consolidating quickly while continuing to grow. Although there is still a large disparity between discount firms and full service firms in terms of how they operate and what they offer, this is likely to change in the coming years. Already, the trend for full service firms to go online is in motion, and there are even some discount firms that are beginning to complement their trading services with plans for banking, insurance, and bill payment services. Currently, discount firms have approximately 74% of their transactions online versus 18% online at full service firms. In a Deloitte & Touche survey, 100% of full service firms said they planned to use online trading to enter new businesses, create alliances, or shift the business model, and 74% of discount firms said they planned to add additional services that are typically offered only by full service firms. It appears that the two extremes in brokerage services are headed towards a common middle ground. As the author of the Deloitte & Touche study put it, â€Å"the distinction between discount brokers and full service firms is becoming less evident. There is distinct evidence that the brokerages that will prevail in the next decade will have features of both a discount brokerage and a full service brokerage. A 50/50 hybrid model of online and full service could prevail, but it is more likely that the future constituents will be based on one core competency (online vs. full service) and have significant characteristics of its counterpart. This is because each business model appeals to different segments of the population. It is generally agreed that full service firms have a distinct advantage in advertising dollars and brand equity, and appeal to investors with more money and/or less knowledge of investing. Online brokerages appeal generally to investors with less money and/or more knowledge of investing. At this point in time, they are quite distinct, but the gap is closing. Another salient example of this phenomenon is that the top focus of current marketing strategies for 18% of online brokerages is to build brand equity, a la the full service firms. Each model, discount and full service, is moving to a common ground. The question that now stands is, who will win out? It is not an easy task to predict the future, or the future of brokerage services in the United States for that matter. One thing is for sure: the online channel will succeed. The top brokerages of the future will certainly incorporate online components very significantly. Those that will continue to succeed will be able to be flexible and adjust to the changing demands of consumers and technology, just as the top firms today are able to embrace the online channel. As Deloitte & Touche put it, â€Å"firms that cannot be innovative will find themselves niche players or acquisition targets. â€Å"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Similarities And Differences Between Tourism And Event Management Tourism Essay Essays

Similarities And Differences Between Tourism And Event Management Tourism Essay Essays Similarities And Differences Between Tourism And Event Management Tourism Essay Essay Similarities And Differences Between Tourism And Event Management Tourism Essay Essay 1 Introduction Development of touristry industry must accommodate to the touristry merchandises of touristry demand, development of event touristry besides needs to accommodate to mass touristry merchandises of touristry demand, while the nucleus of touristry merchandises is tourism attractive force. Tourist attractive force is a natural tourer attractive force, cultural object, and the cardinal belongings and map is attractive to tourers and stimulates people s travel motives ( Margaret Deery ; A Leo Jago ; Liz Fredline, 2004 ) . The most basic map OF tourer attractive force is to pull tourers to the finish. Therefore, the intent of this study is to look for the similarities and differences between touristry direction and event direction, and the event touristry will be the focal point to associate the both. 2 Definitions Tourism direction is trusting on originative thought, incorporating touristry resources to accomplish the optimum tantrum of resources, environment, conveyance and market, and eventually to accomplish the originative procedure of aims of touristry development ( Witt, S. F. , Moutinho, L. , 1996 ) . Event direction is the direction activity to accommodate all degrees and types of political and economic activities, athleticss events, the chief touristry, conferences and exhibitions, amusement, carnival and others based on the explosive growing of authorities and non-government bureaus ( Boris Gruschke, 1998 ) . It is non merely different from authorities disposal, but besides different from ordinary commercial endeavor direction across organisations. Event touristry refers to the signifier of taking erstwhile or regular festivals held as the nucleus attractive force for finish selling, or heightening the particular touristry activities ( David Getz, 2008 ) . Holiday jubilations frequently accumulated a rich local cultural content, and really strong engagement, amusement, hence, the contrivers of event activities frequently try to make an ambiance of festival or jubilation in order to pull wider attending, more tourers, and even make a recycling of tradition . 3 Similarities between touristry direction and event direction In my sentiment, the most of import similarity between touristry direction and event direction is event touristry, which is reflected both in touristry and event activities. Tourism Management Event Management Event Tourism Management Figure 1 Similarity between touristry direction and event direction Compared with the general types of touristry activities, event touristry has its ain distinguishable features: One is the typical endemic feature. Production of a touristry event will frequently trust on local features and cultural imposts to pull local beginning ( Julie E Otto and J. R. Brent Ritchie, 1996 ) . Originating from the festival with a typical local characteristics travel, it is easy to win the favour of the deepness of the root causes of tourers. Second is the activity concentration. Event touristry activities are concentrated in a peculiar period of clip, normally a fixed clip period, and activity is really compact agreement, which makes the tourers touristry activities and touristry experience with important concentration of characteristics. If the event activities are capturing, tourers by and large stay longer. Third is the widespread influence. Large graduated table of event touristry activities frequently lead to larger concerns, to pull people from all over the universe concentrated in one activity enabling coaction, experience the local ambiance of the event ( David Getz, 1997 ) . This will convey big and widespread impact to the regional touristry development and local economic, societal and cultural development. Fourth is the fullness of effects. A major event touristry activity held brings both a direct economic benefit, but besides brings indirect benefits to other facets of stealing, will advance the development in assorted facets of the host. Event touristry has these characteristics, combined with festivals by tourers with high degrees of ingestion, repeatability, a longer abode clip, etc. , characteristics, doing event touristry as a concern of the object for the regional touristry development, increasing people attending ( Robyn Stokes, 2008 ) . Australia by virtuousness of keeping this particular gay event of America s Cup yacht race became one of the universe s most celebrated tourers ; China Qingdao through Beer Festival , Ocean Day spread out their alone marine civilization , successfully created the image as the features of the marine metropolis. It shows the organisation of festivals, particularly the organisation of large-scale events, frequently become the focal point of media attending. Event touristry for the metropolis provides a phase to demo their image, any one ad, any selling activities are hard to fit with the effectivity. Large graduated table of event activities Participated in event Improved Infrastructure Community involvements Increased Media coverage Increased Travel publicities Increased Capacity Visitor Satisfaction Community Satisfaction Increased Identity Increased Visiting host people Word of oral cavity Increased Tourism image Impression of diminution over clip Figure 2 The nexus between event and touristry 4 Differences between touristry direction and event direction Using system theory, with project direction theory, it can understand the event touristry from four degrees ( John Swarbrooke, 1999 ) : the basic rules and constructs ( Tourism event is a undertaking, project direction should be implemented ) ; system development rhythm ( touristry event development life rhythm ) ; systems and processs ( utilizing specific direction techniques and processs ) ; organisational behaviour ( set up sensible organisational construction and effectual encouraging undertaking members ) . Table 1 Comparative analysis of touristry event characteristics and undertaking definition Definition of undertaking Features of touristry event 1, including a individual, definable end or stop merchandise or consequence. Tourism event is non-routine , is the particular event happening within a certain period. It is an identifiable undertaking, has a certain economic ends, societal ends. Major touristry festival ( Mega-event ) on touristry has immense economic and societal impact. Large-scale festival events can be regarded as sub-sub undertakings. 2, unique. Undertaking is the activity with merely one type, and can neer be wholly repeated. Tourism event is normally carefully planned. This nature makes touristry events different from the self-generated events and occurrences unique. It is impossible to reiterate, if failed, could non retrieve. 3, the impermanent activities. Life-cycle, one time the end to accomplish, the undertaking has ceased to be. Tourism event has a certain deadline. While some festivals held on a regular basis, but the consequence of the undertaking objectives, stakeholders and the Environment ( Internet Explorer undertaking system ) will alter, so this new festival should be regarded as new undertakings. 4, requires the usage of assorted professional and organisational accomplishments and ability. Tasks and accomplishments required besides vary with the undertaking. The procedure of the operation of touristry event is across a figure of direction maps units: authorities, concern, public and many industries. Tourism event s success is inseparable from their extended support and coaction. 5, may be unfamiliar. Very unsure hazard factors. The complexness of the procedure organisation operation of touristry event, integrated non merely manifested in non merely the features of touristry merchandises in general, it besides has its ain features and properties. 6, there is some hazard. The failure of the undertaking may present a menace to the organisation or its ends. Tourism event has the hazard for every phase, failure of touristry festival activities could adversely impact touristry finish in reasonably long clip. 7, is to accomplish the end of a procedure to work. A undertaking to travel through several different phases ; phases of transition undertakings, manpower, organisation and resources will alter with it. Tourism event during the operation and direction may still go on. There may be single specific undertakings that are non to the full defined in footings of undertakings ; most undertakings have in forepart of three or four characteristics. Comparative analysis from the tabular array, touristry event at least meets the before six points. It can be concluded: Tourism event is a undertaking, project direction theory is applied to the touristry event merchandises. Tourism event is present the life rhythm. The life rhythm of touristry events is it similar to the dynamic procedure of the natural life rhythm of birth, growing, adulthood, diminution and decease, which includes construct, planning, execution and operation of four phases ( I McDonnell, J Allen, W Otoole, 1999 ) . Purpose of understanding the life rhythm issues travel subdivision is really of import to director of the undertaking: on the one manus, touristry event highlights the undertaking life rhythm in undertaking direction program, reappraisal and analysis, execution procedure, the direction of each procedure systems analysis is the footing for the following stage of the operation, which requires direction system, a comprehensive apprehension of project life rhythm touristry festival, and at different times to take corresponding steps ; on the other manus, life rhythm procedure is for each undertaking aims, which requires the undertaking director should be on the festival s appr ehension of the undertaking life rhythm and the undertaking aims to unite effectual direction by aims ( David Getz, 1997 ) . Therefore, the directors to react flexibly to the altering environment demand to hold a life rhythm direction civilization, in order to guarantee the smooth operation of the events. 5 Decision As a undertaking, the touristry event should be analyzed with a systematic attack. Management of touristry event, in the face of complex elements in the events undertaking system, directors must first transport out systematic analysis of each component. Tourism event undertaking system is an unfastened system, undertaking directors must from the system degree, organisational degree and proficient degree to measure the system, senior directors will necessitate more from the system degree to analyse the system. To understand the chief system of belongings undertakings of touristry events, peculiarly in the development of touristry event is the of import position in the major touristry events and immense undertakings. Event touristry as the span to associate touristry and event activities, in the touristry development assumes more and more of import maps and function. Although it shows the similarities and differences between touristry direction and event direction, for the issues of the operation thought of touristry event, development scheme and effects, we should pay more concerns. Word count: 1,529

Monday, October 21, 2019

History Of Computing Devices (computers) Essays - Office Equipment

History Of Computing Devices (computers) Essays - Office Equipment History of Computing Devices (computers) By:Daniel Habay In order to see why we invented computers we must look at how they WERE used and how they ARE used today. One of the first major uses of computers was to aid mathematical pursuits. As computers went along they added to the fields of science and literature. Computers also filled a need, the need to be lazy. It was once said that the perfect combination was laziness and intelligence. I believe in that because you can see how computers are being used today. We use them in Auto factories, basic cleaning, and other menial tasks. I will show you how computers have progressed along and today how they are used to the benefit of everyone in pursuits of math, literature, and science. The first computing device was a digital one. I am speaking of the human hand. Fingers being Digits, thus into the digital computer. This type of computing device was easily accessible but was limited in the sense that it could not go beyond 10. Later on someone came up with the brilliant idea of using smooth pebbles in a container or notches on a sick or bone. A while after that someone came up with the idea to use compressed plant fibers and burnt wood and in doing so they created a familiar counting device all by themselves, they had created the paper and pencil combination that is still used today. A while after that a clay table with grooves in it was used as a calculating device. Smooth pebbles, stones, or clay marbles were placed in the grooves and rolled from one side of the groove to the other to simulate movement of the numbers. A while after that someone came up with the idea of drilling holes or using beads along a string to simulate the movement of numbers. A long time l ater after a stagnation of about 2000 years, a device known as "Napier's bones" was invented by John Napier, the creator of logarithms. These devices aided calculation tremendously as they turned multiplication and division into simple addition and subtraction. A while after that a man by the name of Blaise Pascal invented his "calculating machine". This machine was limited to only addition and subtraction.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Career Aptitude Test Find a Job That is the Best Fit for Your Personality

Career Aptitude Test Find a Job That is the Best Fit for Your Personality If you’re the type of person who always knew what career you wanted to go into, and are astoundingly happy and secure in your career path, then you, my friend, are doing great. If you’re not sure you’ve made the right career choices, or are feeling increasingly restless in your job, then you, my other friend, are in good company. Maybe you picked something that interested you right out of school, but have come to find that you’re no longer so keen on the field. Maybe you picked your job or career because you thought it would be totally different. Whatever the case, you don’t have to make your decisions (stay or go? What do I want to do?) blindly. There are a variety of tools available that measure your strengths and weaknesses such as career aptitude tests. You’re welcome to find a zen place (beach, shady tree, lonely desert) and think hard about what you want to do with your career. But if you’re like the rest of us, you might need a little additional help to make the best choice. Chances are, you know yourself pretty well- but there are tools that can help you figure out if your personality and approach are a good fit for your career path. And if not, where your strengths might lead you.Why Personality Matters in Your CareerIn the career world, data matters. Your skills matter. Your experience matters. Your references matter. What can get lost in this process sometimes is the real, complete you. Defining your professional qualities and actions on paper is pretty easy (wrangling them into bullet points and concrete examples, slightly less so). What doesn’t necessarily come across in your resume is your personality, the sum total of your experience, outlook on life, sense of humor, values, and priorities. You may have more of a chance to show other sides of yourself in an interview, but it’s still a very limited, controlled environment.Figuring out your personality and work style is more of a person al thing. The better you know yourself and how you react to situations, the more likely you are to seek out jobs and careers that match up with that. It’s like trying on pants. You can like what you see on the rack, and assume that because they’re your size, they’ll be fine. And maybe they will, but if you don’t try them on first, or you run the risk of being happy with said pants when you get them home. On the other hand, if you know the brand of pants well, like the style, and confirm they’ll look good on you before you buy, then you’ll probably be pretty happy with your pants. Career happiness is probably more important to you long-term than pants happiness, so it makes sense that you’d want to apply at least as much care to your career choices as well.Personality also matters to your daily work life, even beyond the choice of a job. It’s a major factor in your success and satisfaction on the job. Are you a leader or more of a platoon member? Can you overcome major differences with colleagues or bosses to get things done? Are you a lone wolf that prefers hunkering down and getting things done over working with a team on a project? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you prefer look at the big picture, or are the small details all you can see?It’s important to understand how you interact at work, and what your comfort zones are. It can be good to push those comfort zones a little for the sake of personal and professional growth, but it’s best to be reasonable about it. If you’re an introvert, a job where you have the spotlight on you just might not be very satisfying in the long term. You can change jobs, but changing your personality is just not very feasible.For more on personality and your career, check out this video: [via OTM Education]So how do we figure out this baseline personality, and start making smarter career decisions? To the internet!How to Figure Out Your PathTh e online world isn’t just good for helping you figure out which Game of Thrones character you would be†¦it also has more serious quizzes that you can use to help you figure out what your own real-life character is (you’ll still have plenty of time later to figure out whether you’re a Lannister or a Stark).Online quizzes and surveys that go beyond Facebook memes can help you really drill down into your character and personality, and figure out where to go from there.Let’s look at some of the top personality/career quizzes and assessments.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)The MBTI is a general personality assessment that is used broadly by professionals when it comes to evaluating new hires or potential candidates. It assesses personal preferences, like motivation, how you process information, how you view the world, etc. The official test is $49.95, but there are also free versions kicking around as well.How to apply it to your career: Sites like this one have already done some of the leg work in figuring out what types of jobs match your Myers-Briggs personality type.TruityTruity builds on the Myers-Briggs type, and offers a TypeFinder assessment that also identifies your personal strengths.How to apply it to your career: Truity recommends different job types based on your TypeFinder results. The official TypeFinder Personality test costs $29, but smaller subtests (including one to figure out your temperament) are free.PymetricsPymetrics uses games to help gauge your personality, strength, and weaknesses, and match you up with careers and companies looking for your type. It’s not your average personality quiz- the interactive mind games make it feel more like you’re taking a break than taking a test. It’s free to sign up and start playing the games.How to apply it to your career: The site features a matchmaking-type option that lets you find companies that would fit well with your personality. Itâ€℠¢s non-binding, but it can give you more information about the kinds of roles that might suit you.The Johnson-O’Connor Career Aptitude TestThis one is a bit of a flashback to those aptitude tests you took in high school, which you then had to discuss with your guidance counselor in a meeting about Your Future. It’s a pretty straightforward paper-and-pencil test that you can download and take. Also, this test is hosted on Oprah’s website, and as far as careers go, Ms. Winfrey and her media empire are a pretty solid success story, wouldn’t you say?How to apply it to your career: The results on each individual test (there are five overall) show your strengths, and recommend general careers based on those strengths.The MAPP Career Assessment TestThis assessment is free to try, but costs $89.95 to get full results and reports. It’s a 15-minute test where you choose one statement out of sets of three, and is billed by MAPP as the â€Å"most comprehensiv e online career test.†How to apply it to your career: Upon completion of the test, the site promises to match you to five different careers based on the results. This can help point you in a particular direction (or away from another).The O*Net Interest ProfilerThis one is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, and is more career-interest-oriented than personality-oriented.How to apply it to your career: Based on your results, you can search the Department of Labor’s database for more information on your recommended career paths. You can also search based on experience, education, etc., meaning you can find jobs that will be a good fit for you based on where you are right now.What Happens Once You Know Your Personality?Once you’ve got a better sense of what your personality type is, you can start drilling down into what that means for your actual career. The intersection of personality and career is a pretty hot one right now, and there’s a growing num ber of resources devoted to matching your job to your personality type. Many of the test sites above have direct resources for searching for jobs that match you (rather than the other way around), but you can also just start looking up categories of jobs. [via Business Insider]You should also start looking at job descriptions for key words. If your strengths lie in teamwork, look for positions that call for collaboration. If you’re still not sure what kind of job would be best for you, dive into a job search site like Indeed or Monster and start reading through different types of job descriptions, even if you’re not immediately interested in the job itself. Remember: in this exercise, the more information you have, the better.Personality insight is also helpful for things like networking. Knowing whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert can help you find ways to approach new contacts in a way that suits your style (meet for coffee or email back and forth?).Al so, personality tests aren’t just for people looking to jump ship to another job- knowing your strengths and comfort zones can help you modify your current job to be more comfortable. You can take this info and have a conversation with your boss about how to work more efficiently based on your personality, or how to re-prioritize in order to meet your goals better.Your long-term career happiness depends on a lot of things (job, salary, benefits, coworkers and bosses), but the most important thing is you. And the more info you have about yourself and your needs, the better prepared you’ll be to meet your goals and be satisfied with your career.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Devine Michelangelo and Rapheal A Mortal God videos criticism Essay

The Devine Michelangelo and Rapheal A Mortal God videos criticism - Essay Example In an effort to recreate and retell the stories of these two classical artists, BBC, in association with acclaimed directors like Bernard Hill and Sydney Kean, produced informative documentary films. These films are; Raphael – A Mortal God and The Devine Michelangelo. In 2004, BBC created a drama-documentary on the life and works of Raphael. Raphael – A Mortal God was directed by John Holdsworth. The film, which runs for 60 minutes, was released in January 2004. In the film, Bernard Hill takes the role of a background narrator. Among the key cast members include McKenna, acting as Pope Julius 2 and Joe McFadden acting as Raphael. The documentary is educational in nature (Weyant). It covers on the life and heydays of Raphael as one of the most colorful artists of Renaissance Italy. In order to enhance understanding, the documentary shows graphical representations of Raphael’s work. In addition, motion pictures depicting characters and scenes synonymous to those of Renaissance Rome are used. Personally, I think the documentary on Raphael – A Mortal God is successfully inspired. As an educational documentary, Raphael – A Mortal God captures a viewer’s attention through a recognizable conflict between the characters and the environmental context of the story. As a means of developing the dramatic curve of Raphael’s story, Bernard Hill takes a reserved stage and narrates events in a contrasting manner. For example, Raphael succeeded as an artist because he employed experimental techniques instead of adhering to conventional artistic techniques of renaissance art. In depicting Raphael’s conflict with conventional techniques of renaissance art, the film uses audio and visual medium in alienating the artist in respect to the background context (Weyant). Despite the documentary’s success in certain aspects, there is an apparent inadequacy in the use of motion pictures. In addition, the

My Happiest Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Happiest Day - Essay Example The opening ceremony was emphatic and exciting. One side of the stadium was full of Atletico Madrid fans while the other side Real Madrid fans were chanting and singing victory songs. Believe me; it was magnificent and gigantic especially because I was one of the fans present in that stadium. Once the referee blew the whistle, the high profile match commenced with hype. Real Madrid’s players were showing a lot of enthusiasm and gave the fantastic performance. Motivational slogans and songs from fans of the two teams were conspicuous. By the end of the first match, Atletico Madrid scored. For me, this was a sad moment but I still had nope that my team will emerge the winners. This was the only goal in the first halftime and the second half of the match. Real Madrid players had many chances to score, but ninety minutes erupted without a single goal. The referee extended the match by five more minutes and Real Madrid got a corner kick. I closed my eyes in hope that my team will s core and all I heard was the rumbling of the ground as thousands of fans celebrated the equalizing goal. Despite the fact that my eyes were shut, I shouted and celebrated with my fellow fans. My happiness was evident and felt as one of the happiest person in the world. It was evident that the match was going to have extra time. It was not only surprising but overwhelming because Real Madrid scored three more goals in twenty minutes. My favorite team was finally crowned as the Champion after twelve years.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Oil spill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oil spill - Essay Example The author proceeds to state that oil contamination is extremely harmful to the environment and numerous numbers of sea birds, mammals and other sea creatures fall prey to oil spill. However, there is no one to one correspondent between the volume of the spill and sea life lost. Often the nature of the pollution is long term and affects sea life even after many years of the spill. Unless addressed with due importance it would surely trigger environmental catastrophe. However, the author has not mentioned that not the immediate direct action but the indirect action in terms of habitat loss (Center for Biological Diversity, 2014; National Wildlife Federation, 2012) would also affect the sea life and environment. Again sea and ocean water floats from one nation to another nation and from one continent to another continent; hence it is an environmental problem that is locally initiated but with global impact. Furthermore this local problem might risk the global economy; as an example the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. It might also affect tourism and fishing and thereby pose economic and cultural threat (The Levin Institute, 2014). Considering these facts and the potential danger associated with the same; the author calls for more prompt research and development geared towards finding a technologically advanced, efficient and meaningful method to clear the ocean and sea water in case there is any oil spill. Center for Biological Diversity (2014), End Offshore oil drilling now, retrieved on August 1 2014 from: National Wildlife Federation, (2012), How Does the BP Oil Spill Impact Wildlife and Habitat?, retrieved on August 1, 2014 from:

Olympic games in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Olympic games in China - Essay Example est import trading partner and the 11th export partner to the USA but by the year 2005, China had become the second largest import and the fourth largest export partner and the third largest trading partner overall next to Mexico, Canada and Japan. China has emerged as the main strategic partner to the USA. The USA has identified China as one of its top ten emerging markets. Just like commodities, capital requires high capital markets, and hence the USA has heavily invested in the Chinese markets, and this is a clear demonstration that China has become the largest overseas market for the USA capital. China and the USA have recorded remarkable achievement in terms of financial cooperation and by the year 2005, China was holding US$254.4 in US treasury bonds as well as a considerable number of US private securities and stocks. Consequently, by 2005, the foreign reserve of China reached US$810 billion and 60 percent of this was USA capital. The trade between the two countries has been, however, faced with numerous challenges emanating from the increasing friction and conflicts like RMB exchange rates, Intellectual Property Rights, market access and trade balance. Trade wars have had the tendency of ruining the trade and economic ties between the two countries and are not acceptable. This has been exemplified by the restrictions and the counter restrictions that was involved the textile trade between the two countries that involved up to seven rounds of negotiations that culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the trading of apparel and textile. This ref lected the settling of frictions and trade-based disputes in Sino-US economic ties. The USA imports a lot of daily necessities from China and these goods have been established to be of a good quality and of low or reasonable pricing that can easily satisfy the US market. The Chinese products are of great benefit to the US consumers, and they help ease inflation and facilitate the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lexus company not Evil Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lexus company not Evil - Assignment Example He suggests that key danger to the olive tree, which he shows to represent everything that locates roots or anchors us, can come from the Lexus (car) which he shows to represent all the anonymous, homogenizing, transnational, standardizing market forces as well as technology, all which make up the current globalizing economic system. The lexus company should not be termed evil because, the company uses the globalization strategies that are clearly seen and perceived even by its clients (Friedman 59). The Lexus Company’s democratizations have changed their operational strategies, greatly, leading to the perceptions of them being evil in some way. The company’s democratization of finance affects its democratization of technology, which in turn changes the whole operation of the company and how it invests. In short, Lexus has opened their markets and has implemented fiscal policies, all being in line, hence their survival in this globalization age (Friedman 60). As Friedma n suggests in his book, globalization is a force acting throughout the globe, impersonally, like evil, and therefore implementation of globalization strategy should not be a perception of evil (Friedman

Services of DEX Media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Services of DEX Media - Assignment Example Additionally, Dex Media prints directories for use in automobiles. These directories feature maps, shopping guides, entertainment lists, and telephone as well as address information for central business district. Similarly, Dex Media prints bilingual directories in English and Spanish for about 20 markets. On the other hand, Dex Media offers digital services including marketing on search engine and optimization, keyword implementation, social media marketing, tracking, and reporting. Since most customers did not use print directories frequently, Dex Media faced stiff competition from online businesses and hence launched its online directory assistance program with an enhanced and superior internet search system. The company used recent technology to reinforce search ability of its content in more than 240000 advertisement displays in the company’s directories in the yellow pages. The Dex Media’s search system offers multiple search choices in a single search box thereby allowing customers to search using product or brand names, hours of operation, and location. Dex Media’s online presence is on the Dex and In addition, it offers consumer digital services like search portals, applications, and directories. The company displays content in a number of platforms in partnerships with digital companies like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and many others. Again, Dex Media offers face book creation with automatic updates and guidance on social media

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lexus company not Evil Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lexus company not Evil - Assignment Example He suggests that key danger to the olive tree, which he shows to represent everything that locates roots or anchors us, can come from the Lexus (car) which he shows to represent all the anonymous, homogenizing, transnational, standardizing market forces as well as technology, all which make up the current globalizing economic system. The lexus company should not be termed evil because, the company uses the globalization strategies that are clearly seen and perceived even by its clients (Friedman 59). The Lexus Company’s democratizations have changed their operational strategies, greatly, leading to the perceptions of them being evil in some way. The company’s democratization of finance affects its democratization of technology, which in turn changes the whole operation of the company and how it invests. In short, Lexus has opened their markets and has implemented fiscal policies, all being in line, hence their survival in this globalization age (Friedman 60). As Friedma n suggests in his book, globalization is a force acting throughout the globe, impersonally, like evil, and therefore implementation of globalization strategy should not be a perception of evil (Friedman

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Spiritual Diversity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Spiritual Diversity - Assignment Example Panentheism or animism characterizes the spirituality of Native American with an emphasis on personal spirituality and connectivity with daily activities that occur in spiritual and natural â€Å"worlds† (Rainbow of Spirituality, 2013). Native American Spirituality makes the people to have a belief in sacred and that everything that is done originates from the heart of an individual. As such, the spiritual perspective of this religion is that the Supernatural Being has the sovereign power of bringing illness to the community members. For individuals to receive this healing, spiritual components such as belief, meditation and prayer have to be integrated. This acts as the means of these people to communicate with their creator in order to receive this healing. Native American belief bases on the provision of services from the heart of an individual. As such, the faith of the people is vested on the quality and reliability of services, which are offered by care providers of othe r spiritual beliefs. However, differences in cultural practices make it complex for these people to focus on the healing from the health care providers of other spiritual beliefs. This is because of ethnic barrier and differences in communication pattern with source of healing power (Rainbow of Spirituality, 2013). This makes the Native Americans not to have a strong belief in healing from health care providers of other spiritual beliefs.... Further, the philosophy of Christian and Native American is connected in terms of reliability of health care providers from other spiritual beliefs to contribute towards healing of an individual. This includes provision of quality health care and protection, which is aimed at ensuring that the patient gets well. Treatment of patients in both cases is the same such that there is no bias in terms of how health care services are provided to the patients. This implies that both Christian philosophy and Native American Spirituality accept to have health care services provision from people of other spiritual beliefs provided that their services are based on best practices and interests for the patients under consideration. Buddhism is one religion that has a strong emphasis on â€Å"mindfulness†. This implies that health care providers have to note that patients may seek for quietness and peace in order to meditate. This is an issue of concern for Buddhism religion (Ehman, 2007). Mo desty is another virtue that Buddhism religion emphasizes on. As such, cultural concerns of treatment by opposite sex may impact the process of patient caring and delivery of medication. The perspective of this religion with respect to healing of a patient is that prayers that are characterized of meditation by the patient contribute significantly towards the healing process. These prayers should be done in a silent and secure place where there are no people to interfere with the patient during the meditation process. The critical components of healing for this religion are praying. This involves loud chants that are done in a repeated manner within a quiet environment, which is

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is a College Education Necessary to Succeed in Life Essay Example for Free

Is a College Education Necessary to Succeed in Life Essay Education is the key that opens the door to all life has to offer. The benefits of a good education, enhanced vision, increased motivation, and improved performance is crucial to being successful in life. Success belongs to those who acquire a good education. Enhanced vision Getting a good education can help you gain a better view of what you are capable of doing. Education gives a person an enhanced sense of personal control (Schieman and Plickert, 2008). Sound theoretical and empirical research has established that educational attainment is the critical first step in improving communication skills, improving relationship skills and improving your life (Schieman and Plickert, 2008). The most important thing to remember about education is education is the most important element that can help you increase your personal control in life. Increased motivation Acquiring a good education can also help you improve your station in life. Abraham Maslow believed that what motivates people is a hierarchy of needs beginning at the most basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing and ending in self actualization (Wilson and Madsen, 2008). Maslow believed individuals have the ability through education to become whatever they want to become because the individual has an ability to learn (Wilson and Madsen, 2008). Through using this ability to learn and acquiring education you can find success and you can find the power to change your life. Increased performance Improving your education will improve your chance for success. Getting a good education has a tendency to make you feel good about yourself. When you begin to feel good your life takes on a new meaning and you are able to cast off the garments of a meaningless life and put on the garments of a meaningful life (The humanist, 1992). This change is accomplished through the renewal of your dreams. When you start dreaming again you will begin to learn through structured programs of learning, from friends and family, from daily experiences, and from self reflection (Teare, 1997). Learning will become a fun thing to do. Finally, education equips you with the critical career and life skills that lead to a successful life (Hays, 2008). When you learn through education to listen, have empathy, start caring about life, become persuasive, become aware of the world in which you live, develop foresight or vision, start seeing the big picture, become committed to your growth as a person, become concerned about doing the right thing, and realize that you are a small part of a greater whole (Hays, 2008) then you will be well on your way to being successful in life and will have proved that people really do need education to succeed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

School Shootings: Causes and Warning Signs

School Shootings: Causes and Warning Signs The Virginia Tech Massacre, the Sandy Hook shooting, and the Columbine High School Massacre are events that people will never forget. School shootings are a rare occurrence but for the people experiencing these events time stands still, and they will never forget. This paper will look at the reasons why these events take place, and the warning signs displayed by the shooters before the event happens. This paper will also explore what the media’s role in covering the shooting events, and the preventive measures that have been made over time to combat this issue that faces schools around the world. The number one issue that faces children today is bullying in school. It is not just the face to face type of bullying that is thought of when a person thinks of bullying. Today’s youth have to face cyber bullying along with the face to face bullying at school. Roland defines bullying as â€Å"continuing, negative behavior directed toward a victim by an individual or group† (2002). Another study calls the act of bullying marginalization. They define this as the act of pushing individuals outside the realm of social significance (Mongan, Hatcher and Maschi 2009). Yet another word associated with bullying that came from Mongan, Hatcher, and Maschi’s study is what is called masculinity attacks (2009). There study was conducted on the Columbine shooting. This is a statement from a survivor of that shooting describing what was said to the two young men that committed the shooting. â€Å"Sure we teased them. But what do you expect with kids who come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? It’s not just jocks; the whole school’s disgusted with them. They’re a bunch of homos†¦..If you want to get rid of someone; usually you tease ‘em. So the whole school would call them homos† (Gibbs Roche, 1996, p.48). Bullying would be a form of peer rejection. When a person is rejected by one group that they see as a positive, they may be pushed to another group that will have a negative influence or even resort to social isolation. Studies show that if a person has a strong attachment to family, peers, and school they are less likely to be an offender of delinquent acts (Curran and Renzetti 2001). They will see themselves as outcasts from the mainstream groups, and he or she will grow a large amount of animosity toward the group that bullied them. There has been some research conducted on the effects of bullying on school shooters, but bulling may be just a catalyst and not the main reason. Hann and Mays conducted a study and found that two thirds of all the offenders were bullied prior to the shooting incident (2013). Hann’s and Mays’s study does show a connection between bullying and school shooting, but also shows that the bully or bullies may not be the specific targets. They s uggest that the stats show that bullies are the targets, but then go on to say that the shooters randomly target students in the school forgetting about the bullies (Hanns and Mays 2013). They may give more weight to the theory that bullying is more of a catalyst to the shooting than a main reason. Being bullied at school can lead to indicators or warning signs that a child may be going in the wrong direction. If the child becomes very isolated from social interactions this may be a warning sign that he or she may be having problems. Mongan, Hatcher, and Maschi show the stages that a person goes through before the final act of violence. They have come up with a model called the Stages of Change Model. This informative model shows people what to look for in regards to a child’s behavior. The table on the next page shows the different stages that a child may go through before committing the school shooting. This chart is to show school administrators and parents the warning sig ns to look for. TABLE 1 Applying the Stages-of-Change Model to Youth At Risk of Committing a School Shooting Stages of change        Ã‚  Identifying signs: Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of at-risk youth Stage 1         Precontemplation _ Has thoughts about planning or engaging in a school shooting Stage 2        Ã‚  Contemplation _ Feels unfairly treated Has ‘‘grandiose’’ ideas of getting back at the school or others Stage 3        Ã‚  Preparation _ Weighs the pros and cons of attempting a school shooting Has morbid fantasies of death Develops a plan of attack Stage 4        Ã‚  Action _ Commits to follow through on plan_ Withdraws from others_ Obtains weapons for attack Stage 5        Ã‚  Maintenance _ Establishes a plan and sets a date for the attack_ Spends time rehearsing plans (i.e., thinking about it or practicing) Stage 6        Ã‚  Termination _ Feels attack is justified_ Completes the attack (murder and/or suicide) (p.639) These warning signs are used to help prevent a possible shooting. Other issues that may also push a child to delinquency or other crimes may include abuse in the home. If a child is already having a tough time at school, and then he or she goes to an abusive home life this will have a negative effect on the child. He or she may also have a personality disorders that have an effect on the delinquency, and this can often lead to suicide (Hann and Mays 2013). Violent movies and music have also been linked to violent behavior along with interest in firearms and bombs. Other psychological problems including depression, impulse control, or sadistic tendencies have been linked to school shooters (Hann and Mays 2013). Another argument that is being made is the accessibility of guns in the United States. Hann and Mays study points out that this is a major factor in the person’s ability to commit the act of a school shooting (2013). However, Mongan, Hatcher, and Maschi (2009) point out about the availability of guns in America that, â€Å"school shoo tings have also occurred in countries that employ strict gun control laws, and school shootings did not begin in America until 1966 even though there was a pro gun culture† (p637). When these types of events take place people want to place the blame on someone or something to achieve closure. This is when the blame game starts and blame is pushed from one person or thing to another. According to Hann and Mays parents are often at least partially to blame for the shooting then followed by teachers and school administrators (2013). However, there is another source that many people place at least some blame too and that is the media. The media coverage of school shooting is very highly scrutinized among the victims and researchers alike. Some researchers put a lot of blame on the media for their coverage of these events. The people who make these claims seem to believe that the media’s coverage of these events cause â€Å"copy cat† school shooters. Hann and Mays point out that school shootings did not attract the media attention before 1997 as they do now (2013). The first major event that got the media coverage that Hann and Mays are speaking of is the Columbine shooting in 2001. It was the worst high school shooting of the time killing 12 students and one teacher and is believed by some to inspire others to commit similar crimes in different parts of the United States (Hann Mays 2013). A study was conducted by Haravuori, Suomalainen, Berg, Kivirousu, and Marttunen to see what impact the media coverage had on adolescents traumatized in a school shooting. This study was conducted on 231 students aged 13-19 years in Finland. A similar study was conducted on students at Virginia Tech after that shooting. There were three types of journalistic behavior experienced during the media coverage of both events. These behaviors included behaving badly, media mod, and displaying compassion. Both studies concluded that that being approached by the media and being interviewed had a negative effect on posttraumatic distress (2011). Most media outlets would say that they were doing what the people want them to do and that is to report the news, and something as big as a school shooting would need to have extended coverage to get all that needs to be reported. They would also argue that they show great sympathy for the victims and their families. Where the issue lies for the researchers is when the extended coverage becomes too extended. Hann and Mays suggest that the media coverage prolongs the grief found in the communities that experience these tragedies (2013). What is meant by that statement is that the media prolongs the grieving process in that the people have to relive the event every time they step out their door or turn on the television. The researchers say that media needs to stick to just the facts of the situation and not over do the coverage with needless information. The entire how, why, and the target selected may spark another school shooting at another location according to the researchers. The prevention of these types of crimes has to be combated early before the crime even happens. Parents, teachers, and school administrators need to see the warning signs early to prevent these types of crimes in their communities. The majority of the effort should be placed on prevention. According to Hann and Mays (2013), â€Å"In almost all shootings there were signs that the shooter or shooters might be preparing for this violent act. Over 90% of the shootings studied were planned at least 2 days ahead, and most of these shootings were discussed by the perpetrators via social media shortly before they occurred† (p.52). They also say that the media needs to tone back on the coverage of school shootings to help prevent other possible shootings (2013). Another possible prevention is schools suspension practices. If a child is suspended from school then that child may not have the proper supervision at home. If a child is already displaying warning signs of a possible delinque nt then this type of punishment will only aggravate his or her already fragile condition (Hann Mays 2013). Hann and Mann state that some school districts have created crisis management teams to deal with possible school shootings. Mongan, Hatcher, and Maschi conducted a nationwide survey in 2007 that concluded that, â€Å"6% of students had carried a weapon on school property† (p. 635). They suggest that the policies that schools have in place that deal with carrying weapon on their campus is not enough and that better measure need to be in place to help prevent and combat the issue of school violence. Schools need to provide workshops to educate on the stages of change model (Table 1) and how it applies to school violence, and instituting and formal referral process in the schools (Mongan, Hatcher, Maschi 2009). Almost all of the authors of articles that deal with school shooting do say that more steps need to be taken to prevent these acts of violence from happening. These authors contend that due to the violent nature of these crimes and the negative effect that it has on our society that stronger measures need to be implemented in our schools. School administrators and parents need to look for the warning signs that the child displays, and they need to have a reporting system in place that will handle the problem before it escalates. They also say that the media needs to scale its coverage back to limit the amount of time it takes for the community to heal. Media outlets need to be aware that they may inadvertently spark a copycat school shooting at another location with the extended coverage that is given to these types of events. A group that has studied school shootings has produced a chart that shows the different stages of progression that a possible school shooter may go through bef ore committing the act. They suggest that schools have workshops for parents and teachers to help with seeing the warning signs before they get out of hand. References Curran, D.J., Renzetti, C.M. (2001) Theories of Crime (2nd ed). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn Bacon. Center for the Prevention of School Violence (2002, May). Just what is school violence: New brief. Retrieved November 21, 2008, from cpsv/index.html Center for Disease Control. (2008). Understanding school violence. Retrieved November 21, 2008, from Gibbs, N., Roche, T. (1999, December 20). The Columbine tapes: In five secret videos they recorded before the massacre, the killers reveal their hatreds-and their lust for fame. Time, 154(25), 40- 51. Haan, P., Mays, L. (2013). Children Killing Children: School Shootings in the United States. Social Work Review / Revista De Asistenta Sociala, (4), 49-55. Mongan, P., Hatcher, S., Maschi, T. (2009). Etiology of School Shootings: Utilizing a Purposive, Non-Impulsive Model for Social Work Practice. Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment, 19(5), 635-645. doi:10.1080/10911350902910583 Reddy, M., Borum, R., Berglund, J., Vossekuil, B., Fein, R., Modzeleski, W. (2011) Evaluating risk for targeted violence in schools: Comparing risk assessment, threat assessment, and other approaches. Psychology in the Schools, 38, 2, 157‑172. Roland, E. (2002) Bullying, depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts. Educational Research, 44, 55‑67.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Quest for Purpose in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut Essay -- Works of Kurt

Quest for Purpose in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kurt Vonnegut's personal experiences force him to question the meaningless cruelties and conflicting paradigms in life.   As a second generation German-American and a witness of Dresden's bombing during World War II,   he observes firsthand the pointless destruction of which humans are capable (Dictionary 494).   He devotes his works to understanding the chaotic, cruel world he encounters.   According to   Peter Reed, Vonnegut's works feature a "...protagonist in quest of meaning in an absurd world" (500).   While struggling to understand the disordered universe around them, Vonnegut's protagonists attempt to become satisfied individuals by understanding the purpose of human life.    As he probes the chaotic nature of the universe, Vonnegut, according to Ernest Ranly, "...seems preoccupied with genuine human questions, about war, peace, technology, human happiness" (454).   Vonnegut's works show an obsessive desire to answer these questions, and he explores them by narrating quests for order and purpose in human life.   According to Stanley Schatt, Vonnegut "...believes passionately in both the importance of the individual and the need for human love and compassion" (348).   Vonnegut's beliefs become apparent as the searchers invariably realize Vonnegut's truth: the universe is too chaotic to understand, so the secret to order in their lives is simply kindness. In Vonnegut's novel, Galapagos, the narrator, Leon Trout, attempts to understand humanity's cruelty after witnessing the Vietnam War's brutality and lack of purpose.   As a marine in "...a nearly endless, thankless, horrifying, and, finally, pointless war..." (Galapagos 254), Trout struggles to come to terms w... ...nd: A Study of the American Novel in the Nineteen-Sixties.   Yale, 1973.   Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism,   Vol. 3.   Detroit: Gale,1975. Ranly, Ernest W.   "What Are People For?" Commonweal.   7 May 1971, 207-211.   Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism,   Vol. 2.   Detroit: Gale,1974. Reed, Peter J.   "Kurt Vonnegut, Jr."   Dictionary of Literary Biography.   Vol.2: American Novelists Since World War II.   Detroit: Gale, 1978. _____.   "Kurt Vonnegut."   American Writers.   1981.   Scribner's Writers Series. Schatt, Stanley.   "The World of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr." in Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction. Vol. XII, No. 3, 1971.   Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism,   Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale,1973. Vonnegut, Kurt.   Galapagos.   New York: Dell, 1985. _____.   Mother Night.   New York: Dell, 1961. _____.   The Sirens of Titan.   New York: Dell, 1959.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Critical Analysis of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Essay

When you hear the name: William Shakespeare, you usually think of elaborately written plays with a good main character and a bad minor character, battling it out in the name of good and evil, or even a tale of â€Å"star crossed† lovers; but in the case of his play, â€Å"Macbeth,† none of those are completely true, for the main character in the play is the evil one. â€Å"Macbeth† is a twisted story where you learn many of the characters view points, and you can almost see inside the head of evil Macbeth, and the events that take place in part of his lifetime. The story begins with Duncan, the king of Scotland, finding out that the thane of Cawdor had betrayed him, and later hears of one of his noblemen’s, Macbeth, loyalty to the throne, so declares him the new thane. Meanwhile, Macbeth and another nobleman, Banquo, meet three witches that give Macbeth three predictions: That he will become the thane of Glamis, the thane of Cawdor, and then shall become king. Since Macbeth already had the title of thane of Glamis passed down to him from his father, and Ross tells him that he is the new thane of Cawdor, Macbeth believes that all of the prophecies are coming true. When Macbeth informs his wife, Lady Macbeth, of this, she wishes to become queen so much, that she presses Macbeth to plot and murder King Duncan while he sleeps in their castle. After his murder, Duncan’s sons fear a plot on the royal family and flee, therefore making Macbeth the king of Scotland. Throughout the rest of the play, Macbeth is slowly overwhelmed by greed, while Lady Macbeth slowly goes crazy from guilt and kills herself. Finally, in an upheaval of revenge for Macbeth killing his family, another nobleman named Macduff kills Macbeth in a duel and Duncan’s son, Malcom rightfully takes the throne. The story of â€Å"Macbeth† elaborates and is based on four major themes: Greed for power compels and blinds you, what goes around, comes around, guilt is overwhelming, and evil tends to come from a masculine figure. The most major theme, I’d say, is that greed for power drives one to do unnatural things, and even blinds you from seeing what is right. This is evident throughout the whole play. One of the first examples of this is in act one, scene three, when Macbeth is speaking aside and thinking of murder to become king; he says, â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, /  Shakes so my single state of man that function / Is smothered in surmise, and nothing is / But what is not.† Another example of this is again in act I, scene five when Lady Macbeth reads a letter written by Macbeth telling her of the witches predictions, and instantly thinks of killing king Duncan so she would become queen. Macbeth is slightly hesitant at first, realizing the situation, but goes along with the idea once Lady Macbeth threatens him and calls him a coward. Lady Macbeth draws up a plan to make it appear as the guards outside of Duncan’s room murdered him, and the once loyal Macbeth, commits treason and murderers his king in cold blood. Macbeth had wanted kingdom so much that he was willing to kill for it, as was his wife. This proves also true in act III when Macbeth remembers that the witches also gave a prediction to his friend, Banquo: â€Å"Thou shall get kings, though thou be none.† (I, iii), but he believes that his descendants should be the ones who inherit the throne, not Banquo’s. Remembering this, he hires three murderers to kill him and his son, Fleance, so only Macbeth’s children shall rein after him. Macbeth is overrun by greed throughout the whole play, and in Act IV, he goes to see the witches again, to get more predictions. He learns from three apparitions that he should beware of Macduff, he can’t be killed by one born of a woman, and he won’t be killed until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. Macduff is so blinded by his greed and glory as king, that he doesn’t fully think over the last three predictions and believes himself to be unstoppable. He doesn’t see the true meaning of them, which leads to his downfall and death when Macduff, who was born C-sectioned, raises an army who disguise themselves with branches from Birnam Wood, attack and eventually kill him. Another theme from â€Å"Macbeth† is the theory that what goes around, comes around. Usually when one commits a crime or even does good, it comes back and repeats itself in some way, which occurs throughout the length of the play. Macbeth plans and commits many murders during the course of the story: Duncan, the two guards, Banquo, Macduff’s family, and Young Siward, without any immediate punishment. However, murder eventually makes it’s way back to him through revenge by Malcom and Macduff, and even Banquo. Malcom, trying to reclaim the throne for the good of Scotland, and his late father, raises an army in England to try and take back over his rightful kingdom, he states, â€Å"Let’s make us med’cines of our great revenge, / To cure this deadly grief.† (IV, iii). Banquo’s ghost even tries to get revenge on Macbeth by haunting him in act III. However, Macduff is the one who gets true revenge. Macbeth had his family murdered because he feared that Macduff suspected him of treason, and when Macduff hears of this, he wants immediate compensation. He goes with Malcom and the English forces to Dunsinane and murders Macbeth in a duel, therefore showing that since Macbeth committed murder, someone came back and murdered him, or â€Å"What goes around, comes around.† Guilt, usually in all senses, is always overwhelming. Many people can not commit a crime or lie without feeling the wrath of their own guilt afterward, and that is also true throughout â€Å"Macbeth.† You want to believe that someone is normal if they have a wave of guilt after doing something wrong, and you see this through Macbeth during the first scene. Macbeth wants to be king, so he thinks of murdering Duncan, but then chastises himself afterward for thinking of it, because of his guilt. However, Lady Macbeth calls him a coward and talks him into doing it; she is basically the spark that begins all of his greed. You see another example of Macbeth feeling guilty after the murder of Duncan when he says that he could not even utter the word â€Å"amen† after a prayer. Lady Macbeth also receives her share of guilt in the story, and probably the worst dose of it. First of all, she can’t murder king Duncan herself because â€Å"Had he not resembled / [Her] father as he slept, [she] had done’t.† (II, ii). Obviously guilt had overtaken her because Duncan reminded her of her father, and she couldn’t kill him. However, she did plan it, and that guilt was overbearing enough for her. It made her have hallucinations in her sleep, which caused her to sleepwalk and talk to herself. Eventually, it got the best of her and she ended up committing suicide because the amount of guilt bottled up inside of her was too much to handle. One of the final, less noticeable themes to Macbeth happens to be the fact that evil seems to come mostly from a masculine figure. You see this in many cases involving Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. For example, Lady Macbeth is trying to get the courage to kill Duncan and she says, â€Å"Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, / And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full / Of direst cruelty!† (I, v), which means that she wishes to be able to be cruel and kill like a man would, almost showing that women were not capable of having such evil thoughts in those times. Lady Macbeth also criticizes Macbeth when he doesn’t want to kill Duncan, and makes fun of him by calling him a coward and unmanly. Both of those statements made by Lady Macbeth show that at least Shakespeare believed that most people thought that evil usually comes from a masculine figure. Even though he made Lady Macbeth the woman who planned it, she was asking to become more masculi ne to do the deed. Another fact that supports that theme was after Macduff found out about the murder, and is speaking to Lady Macbeth about the it he says, â€Å"O gentle lady, / ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak: / The repetition, in a woman’s ear, / Would murder as it fell.† (II, iii). Macduff basically tells Lady Macbeth that the gruesome details shouldn’t be heard by a woman because women are so â€Å"delicate,† meaning that one couldn’t even begin to commit and evil deed such as murder. As you can see, Shakespeare created his play, â€Å"Macbeth† a little bit out of the norm by making the main character evil, and incorporating many everyday themes into it that can still be recognized and applied to life today. Those major themes were that greed for power is compelling and blinding, which is displayed by Macbeth killing for what he wants; what goes around, comes around, which is showed by Macduff and Malcom getting revenge on Macbeth; guilt is overpowering, which is incorporated into the story by Lady Macbeth feeling so guilty, she kills herself; and finally, evil tends to be seen as coming from a masculine figure, which is proven through quotes said by Lady Macbeth. All in all, Shakespeare’s masterpiece, â€Å"Macbeth,† allows it’s readers to easily see the effects of guilt, greed, and it’s other themes, which contribute to it’s greatness and even it’s simplicity.